Teambuilding 1E


Die 1e verbrachte die letzten beiden Schultage vor den Weih- nachtsferien mit Gerald von Spark 7 und ihrer Klassenvorständin Voß-Peichl. Sie arbeiteten an „richtigem Lernen“, übten lern- fördernde Heftführung, besprachen Lerntipps, trainierten Vertrauen in die Klassengemeinschaftund hatten Spaß bei gemeinschafts- stärkenden Spielen in der Gruppe. Ein kleiner Ausflug in die Innenstadt und die gemeinsame Jause mit ihren Mentoren aus der 7c rundeten das abwechslungsreiche Programm ab!

English Workshop 6C

imageHow do you want to spend the last school day before Christmas? Right, in a fun way! Class 6c took part in an English Workshop concentrating on communication and fun activities like singing and acting out sketches in a relaxed classroom setting. Thanks to sponsorship by Spark 7 this workshop was for free!

8A attends job application training

On Tuesday, November 27th, the 8A attended a training session for job interviews at AMS. At the beginning Mrs. Ayse Bürgmann told us some- thing about jobs in the EU, how to find them and what EURES is (EURopean Employment Service). She also gave us some background information about insurance and the financial aspects of working abroad. During the second part Mr. War, an English native speaker, explained how to write the perfect CV and how to behave correctly in a job interview. At the end we had the chance to implement the strategies in a short role play. (Fridrich, Ziegler)  Photos