6AB – Language Week in Dublin 2017

6A and 6B classes, together with their English teachers Mag. Eva Forstinger and Mag. Johannes Eichhorn, are looking forward to an exciting week in Dublin (March 20 – 27, 2017).
Share our trip and experiences by reading our blogs, photos included. YOU = parents, friends and teachers are also welcome to comment on our blog entries. Blog 6A      Blog 6B

Certificate of Advanced English

Last December again twelve students of the eighth forms proved their great knoweldge of the English language by taking the CAE exams in Vienna. During the written exam, they had to show their ability in listening comprehesion, reading, English in use as well as their writing skills through creating several dfifferent formal and informal texts types. In addition to that, fluency and accuracy during a conversation or discussion in the target language was tested as well.

(candidates on the picture from left to right: Lena Schützenhofer (8B), Stefanie Holl (8B), Laura Parrer (8B), Lena Baumgartner (8B), Lisa Eßbüchl (8B), Katharina Rank (8D), Berenike Lellig (8B), Sophie Heindl (8A), Carina Berger (8A), Lisa Ballwein (8A), Kerstin Willim (8A), Frau Prof. Führer, Herr Direktor Eder)

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Language week 6CD 2017

La La Land

On Tuesday, March 7, the English Talents and parts of classes 4e and 3d spent an entertaining afternoon together. After the train ride and some refreshments we watched the fairy-tale like Oscar-winning movie „La La Land“ in cinema paradiso. Opinions about the film varied from „fantastic“ to „disappointing“.